Check the calendar for the latest available online CPD/CLPL dates. All sessions are free!

Select the date you want and follow the links to register your attendance.

Sonappa Website Tour

Start here if you are new to the Sonappa resource to find out whats on the Sonappa site, how to navigate it, and make the most of the resource in your classroom!

Introduction to Software

The videos below give a brief overview of the software you can use with the Sonappa resource (GarageBand and BandLab), a quick rundown of the features, and reasons you should use it in your classroom!

Intro to BandLab

Intro to GarageBand

Quick Start Guides

The tutorials below show how to get started installing the software, (GarageBand, BandLab) that are used with Sonappa. They also explain in a bit more detail, the process and options when setting up accounts on BandLab.

Getting Started with BandLab

Getting Started with GarageBand